Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Talk about Tons of Fun!!

I'm kind of behind in this race but I will catch up very quickly. I browsed through the site Flickr and did a search on "orbing". I was interested in the topic because I'm into Charmed and I like the orbing effect. I was unsucessful finding what I was looking for. I came across this picture which I see this big Orbing bubble. Apparently this big blow up beach ball la la-palooza type thingy allows a person to enter into it. My next "so simple like taking candy from a baby" theory would be that the person walks, runs, or rolls around in this bubble across a grassland panoramic view. I also was drawn to this picture also by the green grass and blue sky. It actually reminds me of the desktop that you see in the Microsoft Windows XP Operating system. Overall, this picture makes me feel like being in this bubble and sheltering myself away from the world. Visit this pic at :

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